The Atrocity At Vanderbilt - The American Conservative

2022-09-24 01:09:28 By : Ms. Lily Bu

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Future historians ought to wonder, as I do now, why it falls to non-professional journalists like Matt Walsh to do the job that professional journalists will not. The answer is obvious: because the professionals have been ideologically captured, and serve as stenographers for the Regime, even as they pride themselves on being Speakers Of Truth To Power.

I am on my way to Toronto this morning, where I will be giving a couple of talks this week, so I won't be posting a lot today. Please forgive any format irregularities below; I'm not sure how to thread tweets in reproduction on the new TAC software. I have to embed most of the tweets this way so you can see the videos. Anyway, here, in a series of tweets, is what Walsh and his team have uncovered:

Vanderbilt opened its trans clinic in 2018. During a lecture the same year, Dr. Shayne Taylor explained how she convinced Nashville to get into the gender transition game. She emphasized that it's a "big money maker," especially because the surgeries require a lot of "follow ups"

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 20, 2022

Vanderbilt was apparently concerned that not all of its staff would be on board. Dr. Ellen Clayton warned that "conscientious objections" are "problematic." Anyone who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to "religious beliefs" will face "consequences"

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 20, 2022

In case the objectors hadn't gotten the memo, Vanderbilt unveiled a program called "Trans Buddies." The "buddies" are trans activists from the community who attend appointments with trans patients, monitoring the doctors to guard against "unsafe" behavior such as misgendering

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 20, 2022

Vanderbilt makes their Trans Buddies available to children, too. They make lots of "services" available to children, including chemical castration. Though at some point in the last month they removed explicit admission of this fact from their site. Here's the archived screenshot

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 20, 2022

But they must have forgot to delete a video from Vanderbilt Psychiatry’s Youtube channel back in 2020 which admits explicitly that they will give and have given irreversible hormone drugs to children as young as 13.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 20, 2022

After they have drugged and sterilized the kids, Vanderbilt — as explained in this video presentation by plastic surgeon Julien Winocour and Physician’s Assistant Shalyn Vanderbloemen — will happily perform double mastectomies on adolescent girls.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 20, 2022

How did Vanderbilt reply? How proud are they of what they're doing, and how confident they are that the public will approve?

Don’t worry, we knew this would happen and have spent the past week saving videos and screenshots. We have it all. They can’t hide it now.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 21, 2022

Here is a link to Matt Walsh's podcast episode in which he discusses his findings.

In response to the Walsh exposé, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, is demanding a state investigation of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Good work, Matt! Readers, you might look back on the history of eugenics in early 20th century America, and see how it was embraced and celebrated by all the right-thinking elites, both politically and in civil society, and puzzle over how anything like that could ever have been accepted. Well, now you know. The butchery now happening at children's hospitals all over America is 100 percent embraced by the Democratic Party, and promoted by the news and entertainment media, as well as many public schools. They sexually mutilate children, and call it health care. Let that sink in. When traditional Islamic societies practice "female circumcision" on minor females, rendering them incapable of sexual pleasure for religious reasons, we are rightly appalled. But when the Woke do something far more horrible -- hormones that block puberty make sexual pleasure in adulthood impossible, but these mutilations go much further than what the backwards Muslims of Africa do -- it is celebrated as liberation.

Again: why does it fall to people like Matt Walsh, Libs of TikTok, Billboard Chris, Christina Buttons, Bari Weiss, and others outside the media mainstream to expose this stuff, or even to bring it up for public discussion? It does because professional journalism in America now cares more about managing the Narrative than reporting the news and asking hard questions.

Readers -- especially parents -- you need to know that there is an entire Trans-Industrial Complex dedicated to capturing the minds of your children, colonizing them with insane ideology, and leading them (and you) to consent to their permanent sexual mutilation. And there are some states that have passed laws allowing your minor child, after a certain age, to emancipate themselves from you for the sake of consenting to this mutilation. You think it won't affect you and your family? You are lying to yourself to preserve your own peace of mind.

The influential policymaking medical association WPATH now says that "eunuch" is a recognized gender identity, and that it can be identified in teens. This is how far these sickos are going. They will only be stopped by decisive and punitive political action. If your elected representatives aren't making fighting this evil a priority, why not? You had better start asking.

Rod Dreher is a senior editor at The American Conservative. A veteran of three decades of magazine and newspaper journalism, he has also written three New York Times bestsellers—Live Not By Lies, The Benedict Option, and The Little Way of Ruthie Leming—as well as Crunchy Cons and How Dante Can Save Your Life. Dreher lives in Baton Rouge, La.